Friday, January 1, 2016

Sucking Wind

Waiheke Island is located just off the coast of Auckland, know for it's vineyards. We took a 40 min ferry to get there from downtown. The contrast to the big city was huge. Gorgeous views all around, peaceful trails, and a small town. Some people commute from here to Auckland daily. 

I, of course, wanted to hit the town for a nice lunch, but we ended up treking up a huge hill. While I was sucking wind up the trail, I couldn't help but take in all the butterflies and even some sheep (thr first of our trip). We were rewarded at the top with an amazing view of the ocean and surrounding islands. We hiked down to a tranquil beach where Jeff swam and Natalie I played frisbee. I finally got my lunch, fish and chips, with an amazing view, worth the wait.