Sunday, March 6, 2016

Primo Fiord Viewing

As I may have mentioned, I am not a morning person. So when I decided to get up early to go from Te Anau to Milford Sound, I was a bit too optimistic. I slept for most of the beautiful 21/2 hour drive and woke up when we got to the harbor, though I was not my usual perky self. The Go Orange boat was ready and waiting (and I was, of course, medicated). We climbed aboard and headed for the top deck for primo fiord viewing. It was a bit cold (now 9am), but as we pulled out a spectacular waterfall cascaded down the mountain. The sun came out and we saw birds, seals, and more waterfalls. Natalie was cold and, well, . . . bored. I guess a boat with great scenery is not enough to entertain a 9 year old. She eventually retreated to the cabin. But everyone loved when the boat got so close to the waterfall that you could feel the spray. As always, the pictures do not do Fiordland National Park justice.

OK, Mom, I am sick of pictures and bored. I have eaten my BLT, does this thing have a movie theater? (only what I surmise she is thinking, not what she said)

1 comment:

  1. Your guesses at Natalie's thoughts are awesome! And I suspect about right I must say.
