Friday, March 25, 2016

New Zealand Fur Seal Pups

Kaikora is a small seaside town known for their year round sperm whale population and local crayfish (lobster) delicacies. We stayed at the Artist's Retreat owned by local artist Karen and her husband Bob. Our hosts had several farm animals that Natalie got to feed each morning (donkey, pigs, sheep, and goats). After making sure all the animals were full, we ventured over to the local seal colony. We had low expectations since we see a lot of seals in California. We were surprised when we saw seals mere feet from the parking lot, some even sauntering in between the tourists to get to their favorite nap spot in the grass (excuse me, pardon me). The occasional overly interested tourist would test the boundaries of how close they could get only to be warned off with some loud seal barking. They were amazing.

The next day we took the 10 minute waterfall hike in search of seal pups. We saw 5 of them playing in the stream, so cute and feisty. In the wintertime the stream will host hundreds of seal pups.

On the way to our next destination we stopped at Yealands Vineyard per Bob's suggestion. The vineyard is carbon zero and has a driving path around the vines. At the cliff top ocean lookout they even piped in classical music to enhance your vine andview. Natalie had fun feeding the chickens.

On the deck of the house. Photo Credit: Natalie Sojka

Tossing bread to the pigs.



View from the front deck.

New Zealand Fur Seal (to the right)

Fur seal lounging on the grass.

Wildlife photographer at work.

Our Kaikoura house (Natalie in top window).

Waterfall on seal pup hike. Seal pup in picture below.


Yealands Vinyard. Carbon Zero certified and organic.

Overly friendly chickens getting fed on the vineyard.

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